Prophecy: God’s Ultimate Proof the Bible is Real.

The God of the Bible has given us 1,800 prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments, which provide a clear view of the future before it has occurred. Some of these prophecies have happened in our lifetimes, and some are yet to occur and could happen any day! “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.” Isaiah 46:10

Prophecies of Jesus

Here are a bunch of prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. Mathematical analyses of the statistical probabilities of any man fulfilling these by chance reveal that Jesus is legit. This is part 10 in the lengthy series on Evidence for the Bible. This series is a methodical look at a large variety of subjects including prophecy, archaeology, history, science, contradictions, philosophy, and more! This series is for the thinking person and I hope and pray that it blesses you.

48 Prophecies

In this segment, Chuck Missler discusses the probability of one man fulfilling 48 prophecies in his lifetime.

In the Days of Noah

What was this 'Strange Prediction' spoken about by Jesus of a time of deception "as the Days of Noah?"

End Times Prophecies

This feature length documentary explores Bible prophecy concerning the last days prophesied in the Old and New Testaments. Featuring never-before-seen interviews with some of the leading researchers on the subject, Megiddo chronicles the biblical prophecies through to modern day. Seen through the lens of prophecy, what is the significance of recent catastrophic world events?

Prophecies of Jesus: Fulfilled