What If History Wasn’t What You Learned In School?

Hidden History

History is not as straight forward as it seems to be Hidden History and Flying Saucers: The Movie is an in-depth look at the UAP / UFO phenomenon, in a way that most people have never heard before. Things are much stranger than they appear to be. Featuring: Tom Horn, Timothy Alberino, Darrin Geisinger, Justen and Wes Faull, and End Times Productions as himself.

Less Than 100 Years Ago, The Nation of Germany Was Deceived by Demons

Was Indiana Jones Factual?

Did you know that before World War 2, the Nazi Party’s Heinrich Himmler and Hitler himself were obsessed with ancient relics such as the Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny? They truly believed these things were real, and their secret occult practices are part of a demonic agenda that ultimately caused the Holocaust.

Hidden Reality: The Best of End Times Productions

Reality really is stranger than fiction... Despite what you may think unexplained mysteries still permeate our world and the only way to find out the truth is to start from the very beginning. THIS IS A MUST WATCH, BOOKMARK BECAUSE IT IS LONG!