Is There Archaeological Evidence that Validates The Bible as Historically Accurate?

From Noah’s Ark to Sodom and Gomorrah, modern archaeologists have verified the historical existence of the vast majority of Biblical stories. The Bible is even considered required reading for secular historians and archaeologists due to it being so well preserved through time, and so full of layer upon layer of detail that can be found today with a shovel and some patience.

Sifting The Evidence: The World of the Bible

What does archaeology tell us about the historical accuracy of the Bible? Join host Dr. Chris Sinkinson as he visits the great sites of the Holy Land, including the site of the original “City of David”; the Temple Mount; Capernaum, where you can see the remnants of the Apostle Peter’s house; and the church of the Holy Sepulchre, the site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. This beautifully photographed two-part documentary series takes you inside these fascinating sites and allows you to see them as never before. Insightful commentary from the host and a team of experts will connect these sites with the stories and characters of the Old and New Testaments, explaining why we can rely on the historical accuracy of the Scriptures.

Sodom & Gomorrah, The Red Sea Crossing & Noah’s Ark Found

A well-rounded compilation of Ron Wyatt's discoveries, including his ark of the covenant claim. This video explores discoveries made by Wyatt and his family which show the last resting place of Noah’s Ark, and a field of chariot wheels at the bottom of the Red Sea, corroborating the account of Moses in the Old Testament.

Is There Archeological Evidence for Jesus?

Simcha Jacobovici goes on an epic journey to hunt down the archaeological evidence for the life of Jesus Christ. From his mysterious lost years to his crucifixion, new historical discoveries are peeling back the truth on the truth about Jesus. What proof is there of his life outside of the gospels? What can archaeology reveal about the life of the Messiah?

Archaeological Proofs Exodus Happened!

The real exodus location has been found. Did the Red Sea crossing in Exodus happen and if so where is the evidence? This episode is packed full of evidence from photographs to video footage of the actual location of this historical event with our Special Guest Kevin Fisher! This episode is one to share with your friends and family. There is evidence at the bottom of the Red Sea from chariot wheels to bones covered in coral. Cave drawings, altars, and even destroyed columns can still be found in Mount Sinai. Your faith won’t be shaken again!

The 10 Plagues of Egypt

After six years of research, working with archeologists, Egyptologists, geologists, and theologians, Simcha Jacobovici came to the groundbreaking conclusion that the Exodus took place hundreds of years earlier than previously thought. With this new timetable in hand, Jacobovici and his colleagues re-examined long-ignored archeological artifacts and uncovered the truth about the Exodus and the Egyptian dynasty that ruled at the time.

Purdue Professor Verifies Existences of 53 People Mentioned in the Hebrew Bible

Purdue Libraries professor Lawrence Mykytiuk discusses verifying the existence of people in the Hebrew Bible.

More Physical Evidence of the Disaster at Sodom & Gomorrah

Ron Wyatt discovered the ashen remains of these cities along the Western side of the Dead Sea in Israel. Complete with brimstone, ashen formations and cremated bones. The brimstone is a type of sulphur that is not found anywhere else on earth and is almost 100% pure.