Is the bible real? You can know for sure.

Founded in 2022

What Is This Site About?

This website was founded in 2022 by a concerned watchman. Decades of studying Bible prophecy and then watching it happen on television, coupled with the newly recently discovered knowledge about our cosmology, religion, life, creation, and the true nature of our universe, it seemed necessary to make this website to warn my fellow brothers and sisters.

Now, I am watching them censor all of this information and try to discredit things that you yourself can go and witness with your own two eyes. Things that will affect your life, and things that are eternal. I hope this website helps you on your journey to understanding the truth of our reality, and to finding our Father God and Yeshua (Jesus), His only son who died to pay the penalty for your sins so that true justice can be served to the beings who deserve it, not to us humans who were deceived.

There are plenty of people out there making biblically sound content to learn from, this site is meant to serve as a repository of that info. I do not take credit for making any of this, only disseminating it to you, so that you can learn the truth for yourself with your own two eyes: That Yeshua/Jesus was a real person, and that He was who He claimed to be, and that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, and that belief and confession in Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins and physical bodily resurrection is the only method of eternal salvation that God has ever given to mankind. Easy peasy.

"There are two ways to be fooled: one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe what is true."

-Soren Kierkegaard