Ready to Share the Gospel?

Here are some free resources for Bible tracts and free Gospels of John:
The Pocket Testament League (Please put code 642110 in so I know you are getting gospels!)
This resource has been around since the 1800s and will send you 30 Gospels of John per month to share for free. If you go to the checkout, just select “I cannot donate at this time” if you cannot afford it, and they will ship them out in 2 weeks for free.

Bezeugen Tract Club will send you 30 tracts every month to hand out. The tracts change every month and once you are signed up you don’t have to do anything else.

100 ‘Get Out of Hell Free’ Cards!

Would you like 100 Get out of Hell Free cards to hand out with a Gospel message on the back? Fill out the form and I will send you some, I make them myself and would gladly share some with you! I will send some other goodies in the package as well if I have any. They contain a Gospel message on the back and a link to or, depending on if they are the new or old ones. God bless you!