Miracles and Supernatural Healings

The God of the Bible is still at work in this world, and miracles are very much possible. Yeshua/Jesus says “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” If He said it is possible, it is possible.

10 Miracles Explained

You've no doubt heard of these biblical miracles, but did you know they can actually be proved possible by science?! Whether you're a believer or not, there's no doubting these scientific discoveries and theories. Here are our top 10 biblical miracles explained by science.

Miracles & Healings

Miracles and healings in modern times are a controversial subject, but God is still at work in this world. This is an incredible testimony video presented by Randy Clark. Every time this video is shown someone in the audience or watching at home receives healing. The reason this happens is because peoples faith is increased everytime you see someone else get healed. It makes it easier to receive healing for yourself. Also, when your faith is stirred the Holy Spirit responds to your faith.

Noah’s Ark: Explained, and Discovered!

For thousands of years, people have proposed many objections to Noah’s ark. Because of these doubts, most people don’t even believe that Noah’s ark was real, but think that it was just a made-up story. In this video, Calvin Smith from Answers in Genesis–Canada gives an extremely thorough overview of Noah’s ark that will challenge skeptics and encourage Christians.

Archaeological Proof the Exodus Miracles are Real!

The real exodus location has been found. Did the Red Sea crossing in Exodus happen and if so where is the evidence? This episode is packed full of evidence from photographs to video footage of the actual location of this historical event with our Special Guest Kevin Fisher! This episode is one to share with your friends and family. There is evidence at the bottom of the Red Sea from chariot wheels to bones covered in coral. Cave drawings, altars, and even destroyed columns can still be found in Mount Sinai. Your faith won’t be shaken again!